96.8% of homepages aren’t ADA compliant — averaging 51.4 barriers. And 90% are inaccessible to people with disabilities who use assistive technologies.
Use our ADA Compliance Checker to know how you compare. Enter the URL below to check your website.
The ADA requires all websites to be accessible to people with disabilities. That may require tweaks to your website code, optimization of existing content, and adjustments to your content production process. But it’s worth the effort. An accessible website performs better for across the board, improving traffic, engagement, and conversions.
Get the ADA Compliance Checklist
Identify accessibility barriers on your website and update your accessibility optimization efforts with our ADA Compliance Checklist. You’ll get:
- A list of the accessibility standards required by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and the ADA.
- The compliance level of each item on the list.
- A place to mark your rating for each line item and whether the issue has been resolved.
Accessibility Coaching and Services
After you do an ADA Compliance Check, it’s vitally important to optimize your website for accessibility. Not only can this help you avoid accessibility lawsuits, it creates a fair and equitable Web.
Here’s how we can help:
AccessXL Widget
Instantly improve people’s ability to perceive and operate your website. The widget is a quick and easy way to start your Accessibility Program. Click the blue button on the right side of this page to see how it works.
Develop your Accessibility Program
We can help you develop and run your organization’s Web Accessibility Program, including training, an Accessibility Statement, and guidance on how to integrate web accessibility into to your existing workflows.
Optimize Existing Content
We work closely with you to update existing content to WCAG 2.0 or better standards. This removes the overwhelm of updating your existing content. And as a bonus, it will help your content perform better for everyone, regardless of their ableness.
Consulting and Training
We offer ongoing support, coaching and training, as well as answers to your burning questions. Let AccessXL accelerate your web accessibility journey.